[Op1st-dc-alerts] [mghpcc-alerts] Notice of non-service affecting HG&E Utility Operation Tuesday, 10/23 - ***CANCELLED***

mghpcc-alerts mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org
Tue Oct 17 16:23:20 EDT 2023

Notice of non-service affecting utility operation:

Estimated Start: Tuesday, October, 17, 03:00 PM US/Eastern

Estimated End: Tuesday, October, 17, 04:00 PM US/Eastern


HG&E North Canal Switch Yard, MGHPCC Electrical Yard



​*** UPDATE - 4:20PM ***
HG&E has cancelled the switching operation for today. We will update you
when they plan to reschedule the work.

​*** UPDATE - 3:25PM ***

HG&E are delayed on their switching operation. The current estimate is that

they will now execute the operation by 4PM

​​*** ORIGINAL ​***

HG&E has just informed us that they will be switching power delivery from

the secondary conductor that we are running on now, back to our primary

conductor at 3:00 PM. This is a routine operation and no impact is expected.

Tenant/User Impact


There is no anticipated impact to tenant operations but, as always,

there is heightened risk during any infrastructure operation.

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