[Op1st-dc-alerts] [mghpcc-alerts] **Potentially Service-Affecting** Electrical Work Monday 3/18/24 – Thursday 3/21/24

James Culbert culbertj at mghpcc.org
Mon Mar 11 12:53:40 EDT 2024

Your A and B feeds (PDU-A, PDU-B) are fed from MGHPCC panels SWBD-U1A and SWBD-U1B respectively.
Your feeds are 400V 3P at the input and 233V 30A, L630 at the output.
Our upcoming maintenance will take down one feed at a time and at no point will both feeds be down.
From: Frisco, Patrick <Patrick.Frisco at crowncastle.com>
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 5:37 PM
To: mghpcc-alerts <mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org>; James Culbert <culbertj at mghpcc.org>
Cc: Crown Castle Fiber Change Management <FiberChangeMgmt at crowncastle.com>; Matthews, John <John.Matthews at crowncastle.com>; Coconato, Angela <Angela.Coconato at crowncastle.com>; Wooldridge, Michael <Michael.Wooldridge at crowncastle.com>; Buckley, Richard <Richard.Buckley at crowncastle.com>
Subject: RE: [mghpcc-alerts] **Potentially Service-Affecting** Electrical Work Monday 3/18/24 – Thursday 3/21/24

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        Can you provide details on the feed/panels supporting our rack as shown below?

Crown is in the Entry room ER1 space Rack 11

PDU-A w/30amp 208Vac
PDU-B w/30amp 208Vac

Crown CM Team, can you open a maintenance ticket on this event?  We are dual corded.


-----Original Message-----
From: mghpcc-alerts <mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org>
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 5:22 PM
To: mghpcc-alerts <mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org>
Subject: [mghpcc-alerts] **Potentially Service-Affecting** Electrical Work Monday 3/18/24 – Thursday 3/21/24

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Notice of plan to power down the switchboards that feed power to the following areas of the MGHPCC data center to allow electrical work in the computer room.
    Pod R2-PA
    Pod R6-PA
    Pod R6-PB
    Pod R6-PC
    Pod R9-PA,
    Entrance Room 1
    Entrance Room 2

Estimated Start: 8:00 AM Monday March 18, 2024 Estimated End:  5:00 PM Thursday March 21, 2024

Tenant Impact
There may be brief periods of time when we will ask everyone to leave the Computer Room for safety (e.g. when a switchboard is being powered up).

Computing, Storage, and Networking equipment in the areas named above should not be affected if it has been properly configured for operation with power cords attached to both the “A” and “B” PDUs in its rack.

Equipment outside the areas named above should not be affected, independent of configuration.

There is elevated risk for the entire Computer Room while the work is being done.


Schedule is expected to be:
* Mon 3/18, after 8AM: Disable power to the A side bus bars in the areas named above
* Tue  3/19, after the electrical work is done: Restore A side power.
* Wed 3/ 20, after 8AM: Disable power to the B side bus bars in the areas named above.
* Thu  3/21, after the electrical work is done: Restore B side power.
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