[Op1st-dc-alerts] [mghpcc-alerts] MGHPCC Utility Power Sag at 6:39AM December 18, 2023

mghpcc-alerts mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org
Mon Dec 18 09:01:14 EST 2023

The MGHPCC main meter detected two ITIC Level 4 power sag events at 6:39AM on Monday December 18.  The power sag affected all non-UPS systems in the data center

The sag caused a circuit breaker inside the data center to trip, leaving power down on the following pods:
Row 3 Pod A
Row 4 Pod A, B (odd side), and C
Row 5 Pod A and C
Row 7 Pod C
Row 8 Pod C
Row 9 Pod C (odd side)
Row 8 Pod A

We are working to restore power as soon as safety checks are done, and double-checking the status of all other pods.

    Date:  Monday December 18, 2023
    Time: 6:39AM
    First event
       Percent of Nominal: 34%
       Duration: 4 cycles
    Second Event
       Percent of Nominal: 36%
       Duration: 5 cycles

Please send email to mghpcc-management at mghpcc.org if you have questions or need us to do any work on site.

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