[Op1st-dc-alerts] [mghpcc-alerts] Update re: MGHPCC Utility Power outage Saturday October 14 at 4:33PM

Crown Castle Fiber NOC fibersupport at crowncastle.com
Sat Oct 14 18:29:24 EDT 2023

Can you please advise what is the address of this location?

Thank you

NOC Technician III, Crown Castle Fiber NOC
T: 855-93-FIBER

fibersupport at crowncastle.com

-----Original Message-----
From: mghpcc-alerts <mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 6:20 PM
To: mghpcc-alerts <mghpcc-alerts at mghpcc.org>
Subject: [mghpcc-alerts] Update re: MGHPCC Utility Power outage Saturday October 14 at 4:33PM

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Update: Saturday October 14 at 6:10PM

We have confirmed that power to UPS-backed systems in the Computer Room and Entrance Rooms is down.

Immediate steps under way are:
   (1) Make sure it's OK to restore utility power.
   (2) Send an alert warning that utility power is about to be restored.
   (3) Restore utility power.

Follow up steps:
    (4) Root cause the problem the prevented generator power from reaching UPS-backed
         racks in the computer room and ERs.
    (5) Stay in touch with HG&E as they root cause the reasons why the North Canal
         Substation went down instead of failing over to a redundant circuit when an
         internal fault occurred.

Saturday October 14 at 4:33PM
The primary utility power feed to the MGPCC facility was interrupted at 4:33PM today (October 14, 2023).

UPS-backed power may have been affected.

We will provide updates as we make progress toward restoring power via the backup power feed.

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